CAAMEØ Artist Takeover

in Interviews
Mind Music X StudioBLACK

The Artist Takeover kicks off 2017 with CAAMEØ! Welcome to Mind Music and thank you for joining me for a chat 🙂

Chiffvone: Lets start with the basics! Where in the world are you based and is this where you grew up?

CAAMEØ: Hello! Thanks for having me for your Blog. I was born in Barcelona 28 years ago and since then it is where I have always lived.

Chiffvone: Name the one club you would love to play out and have you ever been there as a raver?

CAAMEØ: The loft in Razzmatazz club in Barcelona.

Chiffvone: Which came first for you the DJ’in or the Producing and how did you start?

CAAMEØ: I started making my first vinyl mixes at age 16 then I became interested in new technology and the world of music production at 25. It was then when I discovered watching some videos and tutorials how to start creating my first productions. Since then it is where I spent more time learning and improving my sound.

In the last 4 years I have spent much of my life in the studio investigating and testing different techniques in my projects in a self-taught way where I have worked under different AKA editing more than 20 albums for different national and international labels. I am very grateful to have received support from great artists on the scene. Six months ago I decided to give definite name to my musical career and start my own musical project as ‘CAAMEØ’.

Chiffvone: Very interesting!! Are you currently working on any new material in the studio?

CAAMEØ: Yes, I’m always working on new projects. It is an indispensable piece in my life. If I could not do it I would go crazy! But many tracks that I do produce I only use them as an experience and to add new techniques and try improvements.

It is increasingly difficult for me to be satisfied with my work to release it with some record label, since I believe that music should be something of great quality and can not be released for sale things that are half done or that do not sound with a minimum of quality but that is why I work day by day to be able to reach that quality that deserves the music and the listener.

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Chiffvone: Name the current top 3 labels that you are rating and why?

CAAMEØ: Good question … I could extend a lot in this answer haha! But I guess my favorite labels are Parquet Recordings, Afterlife and Dystopian Music. All of these labels have great personality in their releases. The music edited on these labels has a feeling and a trip. The songs tell a story and I think it’s something that all good music should contain; a story.

Chiffvone: Do you have a home studio set up and which toys do you use in the studio?

CAAMEØ: I have been trying different tools to improve my work and develop my ideas in the form of music. I can honestly say that my best toys are a pen and a paper in which I write down ideas and corrections. Sometimes it’s amazing how in the smallest and simplest things you can get so many good results.

Today I only use a Novation Impulse controller and the truth is I am very happy with it. I can associate the parameters of my favorite plugins as Live Operator, Monark or Arturia V and play with them until I get what I want. It is also a good tool to create Lives, which is where I want to focus in the early future. But over time I’d like to get a Moog and a digital mixer. Although I do not think I need anything more than that. Since I do not think it’s necessary to have hundreds of machines in a studio but those that you need to translate your ideas in the most accurate way and allow you to work in a fast way.


Chiffvone: There are quite a few big clubs in and around Barcelona, which club would you recommend?

CAAMEØ: I would recommend some of them …

Firstly Nitsa club; I honestly think they have a very difficult billboard to overcome where they bring artists of first level and I have heard several live of great quality.

Also R33; where lovers of Techno music can find great performances by the best artists.

To conclude I’d like to recommend City Hall; Very cozy nightclub in which promoters such as Foun are setting up high quality parties with a great professionalism and know-how together with first class artists.

Chiffvone: I will have to check these places out 🙂 So we are now in 2017, do you have any planned EPs coming out soon?

CAAMEØ: Yes. Next February my first album will be released as ‘CAAMEØ’. For the label LR Recordings captained by one of the referents of the Spanish Techno music called Lluís Ribalta. I am very excited about this release since I have had to work hard to edit on this great label. The owner seems to me one of the best producers in the country creating Techno music for the dance floor, with a great experience behind him! He has achieved great things that only those who dedicate a lot of hours to music can value.

This album is completely focused on the dance floor and it consists of 4 original tracks, it goes from the most classic sounds to the most current ones. The meaning of this release shows my roots in terms of musical style, but also closes a stage. Since I am now focused on a more melodic Techno and with more Electronic shed.

Creating a more personal and sensitive style. For this year I want to release 5 EP at the most. For some labels in which I feel identified and believe that my own music can continue their history. I have a finished album that will be released for one of my favorite electronic music labels this year and some more surprise that I still cannot unveil 🙂

Chiffvone: This sounds all exciting! So ok who was your fave producer of 2016?

CAAMEØ: Well… For me there is not a better producer in a year but in several years. I believe that it must be forged in a trajectory and in progress in its work. No doubt for me it would be Recondite. I believe that his creations are exemplary with a great quality in each one of them and stories difficult to forget.

Chiffvone: If you could pick any producer in the world, who would you like to work with in the studio and why?

CAAMEØ: I don’t know. I suppose Vaal or Recondite by how they express their feelings and emotions in their work and the sound they manage to create with few elements. Everything has a sense and a development, something very difficult to do when creating music.

Chiffvone: Great answer! Thank you for your time and of course the exclusive guest mix! 🙂

CAAMEØ: It was my pleasure! Love the artwork by StudioBLACK too!!

Follow CAAMEØ on Facebook.


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