Emma Keks Mind Music Takeover

in Interviews

Exclusive interview and guest mix

Chiffvone: Hi Emma, welcome to Mind Music, I know you are currently based in Berlin but where did you grow up and what made you move to Berlin?

Emma Keks: I grew up in a small village in eastern Germany called ‘Thuringia’ which is known as the green heart of Germany because of its green forests and mountains.

I actually moved to Berlin because my boyfriend lives here.

Chiffvone: Sounds like a beautiful place! You have recently become a DJ so are fairly new to the scene, the big question is – What or who made you want to start DJ’in?

Emma: Stephan Licha, my boyfriend is also a DJ. He was booked for a 7 hour gig and I thought it’s a nice idea to play together so he taught me how to play and a couple weeks later I stood inside the DJ booth and played my first ever gig b2b all night long. Crazy!!!!!!

Chiffvone: Wow amazing, well done! Ok, so which artists currently inspire you?

Emma: My fave DJ is Mathias Kaden, a German DJ also from Thuringia. I like this his music, his attitude, the way he plays and of course his music but there are a lot of great artists out there who inspire me for example Deborah De Luca, Chelina Manuhutu or Daniel Stefanik.

Chiffvone: Your first official mix is our Mind Music one, describe the feeling/sound of this mix?

Emma: It is a short journey through my musical repertoire. I tried to start with deep warm up tunes and then raise it to some more forward Tech House tunes.

Chiffvone: Would you ever like to get into the producing side of music Emma?

Emma: For me producing is very interesting and I want to start making my own tunes for sure but step by step. I’m now just focusing on DJ’ing and my own style of playing music and then I want to start producing.

Chiffvone: Nice! Now labels – Which labels do you currently love?

Emma: I don’t really care for certain labels so I am just listening to different types of music on several platforms or SoundCloud and buying what I like.

Chiffvone: As a DJ just starting out, have you felt welcomed by other DJs you have come across so far?

Emma: In the beginning I wasn’t sure if the acceptance would be there because there are more and more DJs out there but everyone has been really kind & helpful so I really appreciate how all the DJs have supported me and also treated me.

Chiffvone: That is great to hear! Now I have to know, us females love festivals (glitter and sequins) do you prefer a club night or a festival?

Emma: Both are special. I enjoy festivals with a group of friends, glitter all over and having a good time also besides the music and the line-up.

Clubs are more familiar on the dance floor and the vibe is different but I really like both!

Chiffvone: Emma, what can we expect from you in 2019?

Emma: My career is just starting so I want to improve my skills and find my own style.

I also of course am trying to get more gigs in 2019 and make things more serious!

Chiffvone: I will keep an eye out and look forward to seeing you grow! Thank you for the chat Emma.

Emma: Thank you xx

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