Exclusive Interview: Seb Zito

in Interviews
Seb Zito Interview
The Mind Music team have been busy preparing interviews for 2020 and for our first exclusive, we wanted to catch up with someone who has been in the underground scene for over 10 years and has great taste in music. Welcome ‘Seb Zito‘, a DJ & producer from London, who has recently released on FUSE London along with playing in Australia, America and his hometown London!

Krystal: Hey Seb, welcome to MM! So Fabric London on the 24th January for your Forms debut which sees you doing a Garage only set, tell me more on why you have decided to play some Garage only sets recently?

Seb: Hi! It is a sound that I started this journey on, even to this day it massively influences my productions and even the music I play in my sets.

You’ll always hear me drop at least 1 Garage track!


Krystal: When and where did you first hear Garage and did you instantly love it?

Seb: Very first time was at my youth club ‘Seven Dials’, the youth worker use to play a mixture of Jungle & Garage. At the time I was about 11 but I didn’t take much notice until the year after where I met a group of MC’s on holiday who played on Dream FM. Naturally as soon as I got home I was hooked on pirate radio and came across Chicago FM which played House & Garage, from that moment I was hooked.

Krystal: The days of pirate radios haha! Lets talk about this 1 track a day challenge you set yourself for January which I love I have to say, how is it going and what is your aim for these tracks once they are finished?

Seb: I’m currently on track 9 and we’re on day 13 so I am a little behind but the challenge was more about getting on with shit, stop procrastination and finish what you start.

At the end of the 31 days, I’ll have a body of work which I will either release or expand on. From the range in music, I may even do an album!

Seb Zito Interview

Krystal: You’ve obviously got great taste in music Seb and have your finger on the pulse in the scene, how do you keep up to date with latest releases? Any particular apps, blogs or channels you want to shout out?

Seb: I browse Instagram the most, people are always posting clips etc and from that I either hit them up or stalk some more via Soundcloud, that’s pretty much my method! I also listen to a lot of Youtube.

Krystal: The power of Social Media! What I would love to know is do you have any tips for fellow producers for improving their workflows?

Seb: Trust your gut instinct and try not to think about what people want or what’s popular.

Krystal:  Now I want to touch on mental health. How do you juggle being a family man, a DJ, Producer, Label A&R along with the gigs and touring?

Seb: I could talk so much on this topic as it’s something quite personal to me.

I went completely T total for four months and at eight months I have the occasional drink with maybe two benders in those eight months and I have to say mentally it is the best I’ve ever felt!

So my advice is if you’re really struggling, cut out everything that’s toxic and start going gym or do some light training in the morning. Doing these things changed my life.

Krystal: Great advice! Rounding up, where can the ravers catch you in 2020?

Seb: There will be an album tour with some exciting Ibiza shows, too much to talk about! Just keep your eyes peeled 🙂

Krystal: Haha, I look forward to hearing you at Fabric on the 24th January! Thank you for joining me!

Seb: No worries, thanks for having me!

Seb Zito Interview

Keep up to date with Seb on Soundcloud, Instagram and Facebook

Read next: Exclusive Interview: Joanna Barber

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