Friends Of Ecke Part One

in Music
Friends of Ecke

All for good causes 

Introducing: Friends of Ecke

Friends of Ecke part 1

Friends of Ecke is the start in a series of digital releases by
Ecke Records, showcasing not only artists from around the world, across a variety of different genres, but also putting the spotlight on two amazing initiatives from a selected city.

The city chosen for FOE1 is London with awareness & proceeds focused on the following: 

Deaf Rave: – a non-profit organisation
supporting those suffering with varying levels of hearing
impairment to enjoy & practice electronic music & the arts surrounding it.

Death Rave

Blueprint for all: – formerly The Stephen Lawrence Trust. An organisation addressing & tackling all forms of inequality, focussing on youth initiatives.

Blueprint for all

10 tracks form part one ‘FOE1‘ featuring some underground belters from bad boy artists and you can pre-order your copy now!


FOE1 will be split into 2 parts, a few weeks apart. FOE101 (Part 1) can be expected on the 24th June 2021 with FOE102 around July 18th 2021.

Read next: L&F – Kylo Ren [Free Download]

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