Korg launches DIY gear with new Synth

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Mini Screwdriver and accessories all come as part of the package

Say hello to the new $100 DIY Synth from Korg

The NTS-1 Synthesizer is the first instalment from Korg’s new Nu:Tekt line that is focused on DIY instruments, effects and utilities. The NTS-1 is a Do-it-yourself device meaning the user will need to put it all together but do not worry, Korg will supply everything needed!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM4tGfENRlc&w=560&h=315]

This new little Synth features a digital oscillator, multimode filter, one EG, three LFOs plus three effects processors (reverb, delay and modulation).

The NTS-1 doesn’t only allow you to assemble your own Synth but it allows you to program one too!

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