Røom ll Mind Music Takeover

in Interviews

Interview and Podcast

Chiffvone: Firstly, welcome to Mind Music your first official interview 🙂 OK so straight up, what I want to know is your artist name – what does it mean?

Røom II: So Røom ll… To be honest it was a name that I picked out when Jawzy (Business partner) and myself were trying to think of a name for the event, as you know we went with something else so I kept it for myself. You know sometimes when you go out and the main room has all the big names and room 2 doesn’t but it has a better vibe in there than the main room so it is like being underrated because you don’t know the name.

Chiffvone: Totally agree with room 2, always find the gems in there! So who or what inspired you to to start DJ’in and when did your journey begin?

Røom II: No-one in particular I really just wanted some CDJs at home just to play the music I like which I don’t get to hear out much or in-case I was going to throw a party I was already set, so around 2016 which is pretty late considering…

Chiffvone: How would you describe your sound?

Røom II: A mixture of groovy sounding Techno to industrial harder stuff, some might say not too far from gabba but I beg to differ lol.

Chiffvone: Ha ha ha! Which parties and/or festivals are your top three and why?

Røom II: ‘Kappa‘ in Italy is definitely one! They have a fire truck which sprays water over the crowd which alone puts it up there but along with the layout, it looks so different to anywhere I’ve been to.

PhotonBen Klocks event. I have only been to the one at Printworks but hands down from start to finish, the music was 110% due to try and go to one abroad this year.

Last would have to be ‘Drumcode‘ must always remember where it started.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/553652838″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=true&show_comments=false&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

Chiffvone: Nice! I saw you DJ back in November and noticed you was wearing a mask, what is the reason behind the hidden identity?

Røom II: So that was the first time I wore it so like some people already know my face from the start but going forward any new followers will get the man in the mask! I want it to to be less about me and more about the music…

Chiffvone: Love the concept of the mask. Now I want to talk about your event ‘Black88’ thank you for inviting me down, how and when did this party get started?

Røom II: Yes thanks for coming down, hopefully we’ll see you at the next one!

So Black88 started in 2016 with May being out first event where we hosted the second room at another event which went ok I guess….

One day Jawzy rings and says “Yo, I want to do this event I’ve been speaking about so what are you saying” and literally from there we got going and it has been growing ever since! Big up Jawzy!

Chiffvone: Love it! Yes I shall be back at the next one supporting 🙂 With the nightlife in London a lot smaller than other European cities, do you think it is harder for new parties to grow and gain a following?

Røom iII I think it is harder trying to build a Techno brand in London without the names everyone knows but if it was easy then I guess everyone would do it…

Chiffvone: Very true! What do you think makes a good party?

Røom II: Promo, venue and music… I think those “should” be the essentials but as you know some people won’t turn up to places if they don’t recognise 80% of the line-up which is unfortunate because you could be missing out!

Chiffvone: Thank you for joining me for the first MM interview of 2019 and for the Podcast!

Røom II: You’re welcome, thank you for having me, it’s been fun and I will hopefully see you at the next Black88 event on 26th January!

Røom II Instagram, click here

Black88 Instagram, click here

Black88 Facebook, click here

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