Luca Olivotto Exclusive Mind Music Takeover

in Interviews

Welcome Endless Music Label Boss

Chiffvone: Hi and welcome to Mind Music! First things first Luca, where in the world do you live and is this your hometown?

Luca: Hey, I am living in Berlin currently but my hometown is in the North of Italy between the alps!

Chiffvone: Nice, so your artist name ‘Rockaforte’ where did it come from?

Luca: Haha exactly I duno. Maybe because I grew up with rock music!!!!

Chiffvone: oh lol, which came first the DJ’in or producing?

Luca: Producing came first in my case….

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Chiffvone: Luca, your label – Endlesss Music, why did you start a label and what is your main aim for the label?

Luca: I started the label because I needed a home base for my music. The aim is to release a good mixture of quality music and to do my best to help my friends grow.

I would also like to announce that we have now founded the ‘Endless Agency’ – Our booking structure.

Chiffvone: oh nice, congratulations! You have released on several top labels such as Suara, which label would be your ultimate goal to release on?

Luca: Right now, I am just focusing on the music, I’m not thinking about which label suits my stuff. Logically if I receive interests or offers then I’m open to releases.

Chiffvone: As a label owner, how do you discover new music/talent to sign?

Luca: In different ways. From the simple demo emails, or via friends and events etc. Undefined thing really.

Chiffvone: Do you think in the electronic music scene, it is about who you know rather than actual talent when you look at the top brands/parties/labels?

Luca: Yes 80% who you know!! Followers are not the indicator of quality today, like also the bookings are working the same way.

A pain in the ass? Yes it is.

Chiffvone: Yes I have noticed this which I hate! Luca, where in the world would you like to play and why?

Luca: Hmmm, I’ll tell you my fave place 🙂 Panorama Bar is one of my fave places that I would love to play along with some festivals.

Chiffvone: Nice ok so what kind of advice would you give to upcoming producers trying to get their music signed?

Luca: To keep going and work hard! It is not easy at all…

Chiffvone: 2018, what can we expect from yourself and/or your label?

Luca Olivotto

Luca: Lots of new music, the booking agency I just launched and some vinyls…

Chiffvone: I will be sure to keep my eye out for the vinyls! Thank you for joining me for a chat and the exclusive guest mix! Good Luck 🙂

Luca: My pleasure. Thank you Chiffvone.

Check out Endless Music on Facebook, click here.

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