Nadine Hennig Exclusive Mind Music Takeover

in Interviews

In the hot seat..

Hey Nadine and welcome to the Mind Music HQ 🙂

Chiffvone: Nadine, first off describe yourself in one sentence?

Nadine: πάντα εPanta rhei, it’s a phrase by ancient greek philosopher Heraklit (c. 535 – c. 475 BC) and it means: ‘everything flows’ – everything changes and nothing remains still

I have learned ancient greek in school for years and reading the greek classics has influenced me.
πάντα εis also tattooed on my left arm to keep it in mind.

Chiffvone: Woah love that! Where in the world are you based? 

Nadine: Currently in Berlin. I moved there one year ago from my longtime hometown Nuremberg (second biggest city in bavaria)

Chiffvone: Ah Berlin, my fave place! You have recently joined the Jackmode team (Congratulations), tell me how his happened and will this new role now take priority over your DJ career? 

Nadine: Joining the Jackmode team marks an important point in my life. Working 9 to 5 in the the techno business and not every single night on weekends anymore like this was my lifestyle all the years before (besides my studies) is so refreshing and probably a lot healthier.

And now all day during work I am surrounded by music, working closely with artists and promoters that love techno and nightlife like I do. Plus I really love my new team there, so I’m full of positive energy! And I am happy to say I am able to focus on music completely.

Chiffvone: Exciting times ahead! How long have you been DJ’in and producing and which came first? 

Nadine: Definitely DJ’in, I was already interested in vinyls when I started listening to music. Maybe at the age of 7?

I started DJ’in with the age of 21, so 5 years ago, at this time I already was collecting vinyls for years.I had the chance to practise playing vinyls in Die Rakete Club on the big Function One Soundsystem. So I was djing there for hours and hours during the week whithout the club even being open and it took me a year until I felt safe enough to play the first time in public.

Producing only came two years later. One of my best friends then had started to give Ableton lessons publicly at Die Rakete.

Chiffvone: Loving your new track ‘Triple Distilled’, How did you come together with Dub Taylor? 

Nadine: We got to know each other years ago when he played his first time at my former resident club mitte Nuremberg. The Dj dinner was at an event called Geschmacksverstärker loads of wine wine abundantly. So we started there, went to mitte to his live set and ended up at Club Rakete like around noon the next day.

So we became friends then two years ago I visited Alex (Dub Taylor) in Berlin at his studio, stuffed with crazy analogue shit and we just began to jam.
By the way, It’s called tripple distilled because we were drinking almost half a bottle of tripple distilled whiskey while sitting on his studio floor without shoes like children.

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Chiffvone: Hahah love it! Do you have any more tracks that are ready for release or are you working on any new material?

Nadine: Let yourself be suprised 😉

Chiffvone: 🙂 You have a few regular gigs in Berlin, where has been your favourite place to play and why? 

Nadine: My first ever gig in Berlin was two years ago and still one of the most important bookings I had was at Kater Blau’s Kiosk I played there on a cold sunday in November, when the first snow fell and experienced complete musical freedom for the first time. This place had such a magic.

But I also totally felt in love with IPSE, where I got my new residency and really found my new musical homebase.
The vibe is always so nice and the soundsystem is a stunner. And I already played alongside such legends as Derrick May! Thank you, IPSE!

Chiffvone: Ah Kater 🙂 Love this place! Berlin is such a quirky fun place right! Nadine, name me your top 3 labels of 2017? 

Nadine: LIZE Records, Subtil and Amphia.

Chiffvone: And who as a producer has done really well this year in your eyes? 

Nadine: I am a big Fan of Markus Sommer from Offenbach/Main. I simply love everything he creates, his sound is totally unique.

And the second genius producer (wrongfully still almost unknown) producer is Filip Szostak from Vienna. He is a producing machine and totally got groove!

Luckily I started working with him a couple of months ago

Chiffvone: And Nadine, tell me 2018 what are your plan/goals? 

Nadine: Simply being happy and doing what I love.  

Chiffvone: Thank you for taking time out to join me for a chat and I will see you on the dancefloor at Kater  🙂  

Nadine: Looking forward to the next dance.

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